puma clutch change


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Jan 18, 2014
hi, i am a new comer to this site so hello to you all, i have just recently purchased a 1.7 puma , mainly to get me to work and generally around as i have just had an accident in my main car. sorry for the joined up letters ?, not sure what's going on there. the puma i have bought is sound and drives well ,never ridden in one before nor known anybody who's owned one, having said that i am genuinely pleased with mine though i can feel the clutch slipping , its to be expected as its only done 82,000 miles and never had a clutch previously at least as far as i can see in the history. the car is'nt mint or anything far from it but i did'nt pay much for it. i will be changing the clutch soon is it straight forward or can i expect a challenge. thanks in advance for any advice
Welcome aboard :thumbs:

There is a how to guide for changing the clutch or gearbox iirc in the how to section. I havent done one myself but the passenger side driveshaft has a circlip on the outside and it takes a good sharp jerk with a big crowbar to get it popped out.

Lots and lots of bleeding might also be necessary Oh and dont be a cheapskate change the slave cylinder at the same time :eek:
also make sure the flywheel is smooth as any grooves means its needs to be skimmed
Thanks for the reply's , it seems false economy not to replace the bearing and slave cylinder along with the clutch, this is a very friendly and helpful forum, thanks again
Hi, well I have attempted to change the clutch this w/end, and failed. I am having trouble with the n/ side wishbone bush bolts, the troublesome one being the front bush bolt it has a cup style surround making it difficult to get any purchase on the bolt head. I have got the nut off but the bolt is either bent or seized, it won't come out there is no room at the nut end to tap it out, all in all I am stumped, has anybody come across this problem. Any ideas would be welcome.
Do you need to remove the wishbone? I never have and have done more than my fair share of gearbox and clutch changes. Having said that my car doesn't have the cups on the end.
you could always undo the ball joint on the other end of the wishbone, undo the nut underneath and use a bar to pull the wishbone down out of the way
the inner wishbone bolts can seize into the wishbone if thats the case then get the angle grinder out order a new wishbone and cut the dam thing out had to do it a few times, of if you just want the box out cut the cup down so you can remove the box :eek:k:
Again thanks for the tips,will tackle it again At the w/ end , was thinking of welding a nut on the rounded bolt and trying to bring out the bolt that way, or get brutal and cut the wish bone as suggested . Don't know what the cups are for though. I do like the car and am genuinely surprised how they drive.
i had dramas getting my pinch bolts out the first time too. i resorted to a very very, very very very large hammer. all i can sugest is soak it with penetrant spray a few times, then get yourself some freeze spray type stuff to spray on it before you attack it with a hammer.

you will need a new bolt after beating it out, as the threads will be compressed on the end and you wont be able to get the nut back on. coat it with copper grease before you refit.
if you've rounded the bolt it's going to be fun now.. :lol:

i'd use a riprocating saw either side of the front small bush...

you didn't use a multi-point sockets did you?..needs to be a good impact quality hex socket with at least 1/2" drive..

Well I have now changed the clutch, sorted out a few other problems I encountered. Bled the clutch all gears fine except for reverse ?, any ideas where I am going wrong.cheers ed
Update, leak in the system around back brake area, can't be specific because fading daylight stopped me . It explains crunch putting it into reverse ,
A quick question, I am having a problem bleeding the clutch , I think the brake master cylinder is in need of new seals( a repair kit) my local motor factor says it's replacement only, but he also says there is a clutch master cylinder ??. I don't see one and the pipe work goes to the brake master cylinder. Either way I am a bit stumped it worked ok before clutch replacement am I missing something . Cheers ed
^^ Agreed... I had to bleed it 3 or 4 times before I got pressure at the pedal :eek:k:
I am now at the point where I am sure bleeding the clutch is not the problem , there ain't any air in the system so lies my dilemma . I am fed up with the car and it's qwerky clutch set up. I need a car to get to work and this car ain't doing that. It needs to go and I can get something that works.
1961ed1961 said:
I am now at the point where I am sure bleeding the clutch is not the problem , there ain't any air in the system so lies my dilemma . I am fed up with the car and it's qwerky clutch set up. I need a car to get to work and this car ain't doing that. It needs to go and I can get something that works.

I would have taken your clutch problem over the crap I've had since buying ours. :lol:
1961ed1961 said:
Well I have now changed the clutch, sorted out a few other problems I encountered. Bled the clutch all gears fine except for reverse ?, any ideas where I am going wrong.cheers ed
What is the problem with reverse gear? If you can get 1-5 then theres nothing wrong with the clutch.