How Much Do You Love Your Puma?


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Most of the cars they will go on will probably never be driven anyway. Just cars sat in big warehouses/garages owned by very rich people with nothing else to spend their money on or show cars cherished by people who spend their very last pennies to make their one car the best it can possibly be - in their eyes of

But yes, pointless and a total waste of cash on anything that's used frequently.
Just a thought (I have 1000's of silly ones bouncing around in my head) could buy them for a lady friend as some bling jewellery. Mind you, she'd have to be a bit of a bruiser to have them on her arm as bangles (picture it...I Plus, despite the cost of them if she ever found out they were car springs, her being a bruiser an all, she'd probably wrap the buggers round your neck!! :pinkeye:
I love my puma lots!!! would not go for gold plated anything on it though not just cost would look really tacky!!
sure why not- goes with my black and yellow theme- although it might be cheaper to buy some other springs and have them plated yourself
This will do the job
