Red replica FRP (Elvins old one) being broken on fleabay :(


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Marcus000 said:
Awesome to see it has been saved!

Feel free to give me a call if you need a run down on what it needs and what it's had done etc! :)

Are you getting the engine with it or not?

on ebay it says the engine has been sold :S
what a male genital organ for trying to break the red demon.

glad its saved, keep the fooking thing on the road.

(cant say f**k or bugger)
Great news it's been saved. Three pumas! I was after another but couldn't justify the insurance.
Insurance is silly Vix, even with the specialist companies :(

I can't really justify it for a car that'll barely get used :(
Why is it so crazy? Due to the mods? I wouldn't have expected it to be worse than the Mini or are we talking about different cars?!
It was over £1k third party with mods. The Mini was over £600 - £1600 on insurance is bloody stupid :-(
never seen the point in having two cars and having them both insured, taxed etc when one is hardly used.... if you have more money than sense then fair do's lol :lol:
Zara said:
never seen the point in having two cars and having them both insured, taxed etc when one is hardly used.... if you have more money than sense then fair do's lol :lol:

I insure 2 cars and a bike.

1 car is hardly used because I'm using the bike. But if the weather is proper minging I want to be able to use a car without stopping Sarah being able to drive to the childminders :p

So there's a reason.
Neil I know lots of people paying more than that for one car! :p

I am considering getting a 2nd car now as may be getting some money but I know it's not sensible...
True! The Mini doesn't get used at all in the week as I cycle to work, so that'd be two cars sitting around doing nothing. It'd be a huge waste of money.
Believe me, the beige box is going as soon as it's viable!
Hey, The car is all paid for and been collected... its on the way down the road. I managed to get the engine and gearbox with it as the other buyer for the engine and gearbox backed out at the last minute.
Apparently there is an alternator issue and the battery is not charging so that will be the first thing to sort out.

Marcus, it would be great to get a low down on what has been done.