Vpower / MPG discussion


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I have had 41 litres in mine more than once :?
Never looks good on the bill as it's been edging up to £50 of late where just over a year ago the same tank would be costing me £35 and having to fill up every 4/5days is just depressing at times!
I've reached an unfortunate synchronicity where both the Toyota shed and the Jagdeo seem to need filling in the same week.

That's £130 in one, eye-watering, hit. :(
XIIVVX said:
I've reached an unfortunate synchronicity where both the Toyota shed and the Jagdeo seem to need filling in the same week.

That's £130 in one, eye-watering, hit. :(

That's a hell of alot of vegetable oil...

LPG? I'm afraid I don't trust the chancellor.

It's cheap because it is lower taxed. Any significant move in that direction will have him winding up the tax on it. Just look at how the differential in favour of diesel has become a significant disadvantage.

Anyway I have cut down my miles by changing my working location, so that £130 now lasts for about a month (The Jagdeo and the Toyota both returning 50mpg +)

And as observed, the Toyota is eked out with 50p/litre veg oil :)

My most expensive transport (aircraft apart) is the Ducati

My neighbour just converted his £400 306 Diesel to run on chip fat oil.

He gets given 20 litres a week from some local place at no cost too.

It has 2 tanks so in the winter it can still use Diesel to start the engine!
Is running your car on oils legal, I thought it was kind of tax evasion..! I prepare to be wrong , is it not similar to using Red diesel or what ever it is

I seen some articvle on traffic cops, regards running car on illegal fuel

Probably not.

This stuff about 'cleaning' your engine is almost certainly smoke and mirrors.

I suspect it is very unlikely that 'dirt' of the sort that is allegedly removed by adding glop to petrol (Either yourself, or by the oil company in their 'superfuels') is unlikely to be having much effect on your mpg and performance and is also probably not removed to any great extent.

But then I'm a cynical marketing bod.

(And of course a warning to the 1.7 and FRP drivers - DON'T DO IT. Nikasil linings and any additive brings a risk)
Doesnt do it any harm once its warmed up. All your really doing is clearing carbon deposits out the exhuast, if youve been not caning it for a while.
P7TNY said:
Is running your car on oils legal, I thought it was kind of tax evasion..! I prepare to be wrong , is it not similar to using Red diesel or what ever it is

I seen some articvle on traffic cops, regards running car on illegal fuel

You are allowed to produce 2500 litres at home from waste food oil ( chip fat ) before you have to pay duty on it.

Legal stuff here

http://www.dieselveg.com/fuel_duty.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Your also not allowed to drive over 70mph.

Difference is I think Dal, that isnt speeding a civil offence whilst duty is a crown one?

Now your using bloody solicitor talk on me!


There is no statute / state law saying you can't murder someone either is there? That's common law... where's my axe?

Whoops - going way off topic now... :oops:
"A famous archaic bye-law of Chester states that any Welshman loitering within the city walls after sunset may be killed by decapitation or shot with a longbow. The law was originally imposed by King Henry V following the Welsh Revolt. This order was never repealed, and still officially stands on the statute to this day, although it no longer provides protection against prosecution for murder."