Vpower / MPG discussion


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Yeah, sold my Puma last month for this


They're a lovely car, i just hope i never have to change the wishbone arms! :twisted:
Cougar is a cracking car. I bet theyre a great motorway cruiser. Do they have 6 gears?
DradusContact said:
Cougar is a cracking car. I bet theyre a great motorway cruiser. Do they have 6 gears?

Yeah they are a great cruiser, very comfortable & well equipped,

not much of a 0-60 beast (they weren't designed for that)

and yeah they have 6 gears, unfortunately the 6th gear is 'reverse' :D

Sorry to Dal & Red for going WAAAAY of topic here :oops:
Still all relative about mpg etc. Not necessarily puma....

Go off topic a bit, it normally works it's way back. We're not that anal about it as some places :eek:k:
Puma Being, how does the Cougar compare to your puma? I presume the puma was 1.7? Whats it like in terms of handling, as never driven/been in a cougar.
More refined to be honest, bumps are more absorbed (yet the body doesn't lean in bends), its quieter, better built, massive boot, more toys etc, probably like comparing a fiesta to a mondeo......

Not that im knocking the puma, but some aspects of it are badly made, like it was done on the cheap, like the wiring and leaking issues etc, why they cost so much more than the Fiesta when new is ridiculous (same with the cougar and mondeo prices i guess?) Puma could REALLY have done with a 6th gear for the motorway due to the high gear ratio.

Having said that the Puma is a fantastic car with bags of character and outstanding looks (f**k that hairdresser bulls**t, it looks fiercer than any clio/corsa etc)

Speed wise the 1.6 may be comparable to the 2L, 1.7 comparable to the (thirsty) V6?? (could be wrong)

Id say Puma's are for young fun loving couples with good taste, who like having fun tear-arsing around country lanes at high speed.
Cougars are more for grown ups cruising around, maybe with kids etc
Good mini review mate. They're pretty rare near me anyway! Would be interesting to drive a 2l version, bet it goes nicely at like 70mph+ in particular.
I think the puma is actually pretty good at 70/80 mph for noise, but my Ibiza did have a pretty loud back box-couple that with the 8v rapidness of it (98mph top speed) it meant 70mph wasn't pleasant in that lol.
Good job Chris! 200 for half a tank is good going.
Dal said:
Good job Chris! 200 for half a tank is good going.

Thanks, this nun style driving is what's doing it! Will try to resist fitting my induction kit until this tank's used otherwise my test will be over lol.
Well... just want to say that standard RON fuel is just as efficient as super unleaded in the Puma.

I always use Shell standard unleaded and have been returning on average 42 mpg on the runs to and from work. For reference it's a 22.5 mile trip each way, with some slow moving and stop/start traffic in a couple of places, with a good run of about 14 miles unhindered dual carriageway driving. Normally I can be found driving anywhere between 65-80 mph.

For the tank I've just used up, exactly half was normal commuting driving for me. The gauge was just reading half a tank this morning with about 180 miles on it. My parents are about 90 miles away (85.6 one route, 97.2 a different route), so the challenge was to see if we could get there and back on the rest of the tank.

So out comes my 'driving Miss Daisy' head and my in-built fuel economy sensor (Dal with the sat-nav) and off we pootles. Between 60-65 mph for the majority of the journey, with maybe a couple of bursts of acceleration when needed saw the light come on at 346 miles (2 miles off Dal's record on the trip back down from Scotland a couple of months back) and I filled up about 5 miles from home on 372 miles.

After all that, I could only get 35 litres in the tank, and the mpg worked out to be an impressive 48.17 mpg! :shock:

Who says we need so-called eco cars?!

(For the purposes of that statement I'll conveniently ignore my Dad's boast earlier today that his Fiat returns about 60mpg on his motorway dominated run to work.)
Certainly better than anything I got using petrol from the local Tescos. I think 38 mpg was about my highest with that stuff!
I'm hoping my current 'test' tank will get me 40mpg or more, would be very happy with that (my 1.4 8v Ibiza managed 42 driving v carefully)
Ive managed the amazing 48mpg on a couple of occasions. Always been on a standard tank of Shell. I've tried but its just not achievable in mine on a tank of supermarket stuff.
Hopefully with petrol coming down to the £1.10 mark we might be able to forget about mpg, for a while at least!
I run 40 miles once the light has come on :D

Probably why i've seen over 380 to a tank!!
red said:
I run 40 miles once the light has come on :D

Probably why i've seen over 380 to a tank!!

I'll fill up once the light's on. I'm seeing what mpg I can get not how many miles from the tank.